If you like blogs that post totally random articles with absolutely no regularity, then this is the blog for you. Or maybe not.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Snow far, snow bad...
*sigh*...This has been a very sad winter as far as snow has been concerned. I took this photo this morning to capture the extent of the snowfall we've had this year. My poor cross-country skis are just sitting quietly in the corner, waiting to be used. I feel sorry for them. I almost feel like I'm keeping some animal in a foreign environment, one that they're not accustomed to. Maybe I should release my skis into the wild where they can travel north to where there is snow and they can run free with their wild brothers...
...or Mother Nature could do us all a favor and give us a couple weeks of continuous snow...
I believe I just commented on your blog at the exact moment that you were commenting on my blog. Surely, once the semester starts, the blogging will slow.....or will it?
So I think we should all start taunting "Casa de Trabajo" about how they haven't updated their blog. But I can't even comment there! Thus, I must vent my spleen here about Ian and his fascist blog protection and simultaneous neglect. I think Rex Dart should totally start posting fake blog entries! Jake proposes: "Today we built the catacombs" as a starting place.
Global Warming! GLOBAL WARMING!
12:10 PM
Some animals LIKE to be in un-natural habitats. For instance, the flying squirrel.
Perhaps your skis will develop new, hereto-unknown skills!
2:51 PM
I believe I just commented on your blog at the exact moment that you were commenting on my blog. Surely, once the semester starts, the blogging will slow.....or will it?
2:52 PM
So I think we should all start taunting "Casa de Trabajo" about how they haven't updated their blog. But I can't even comment there! Thus, I must vent my spleen here about Ian and his fascist blog protection and simultaneous neglect. I think Rex Dart should totally start posting fake blog entries! Jake proposes: "Today we built the catacombs" as a starting place.
2:56 PM
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