A Step In The Right Direction
It snowed last night. It actually snowed. This is the first measurable amount of snow we've gotten this winter, and I was very happy this morning to see my porch and steps covered in about an inch of the white stuff. It's not enough to cross-country ski on (at least not without scratching up the bottoms of your skis), but it's a good start. Patience, Skis, patience. But, I'm all about forgiving and getting on with things, so, Mother Nature, I'm willing to put aside the lackluster winter you've delivered so far, as long as you're willing to make up for it in the remaining time we have left this winter. So, to get back into my good graces, M.N., I ask the following things:
1) Snow. I don't need a blizzard (although I wouldn't say no to that), but a good couple of inches. As powdery as possible, too.
2) Cold. Snow's only good if the cold comes along with it. If we get 6" of snow, but then the temperature goes up to 45 degrees, that snow isn't very good to ski in. So, M.N., if you go through all the trouble of giving us some good snow, please include the cold weather with it so we can actually go out and enjoy it.
3) Repeat points 1) and 2) a couple of times. Getting one good usable snowfall a year isn't enough. We're going to need at least three this year in order to move this winter out of the "Worst Winter Ever" category. I don't mean to put any undo pressure on you, M.N., but I think it's important to have a clear picture of where you stand. Oh, and if possible, it'd be great to have the snow on the weekends, but that's not required. My schedule is totally flexible to accommodate yours. See, I'm willing to work with you on this.
So, M.N., you're off to a good start. And if you can help us out a little more this winter, I'll be happy to wipe the slate clean. The (snow)ball's in your court.
Here's a picture of my backyard after walking to my car this morning. Yes, I'm that sad that I'm taking pictures of my yard in the snow as I walk to my car. M.N., have you seen what you've reduced me to?
Here's a shot from my office window. Things look nice and pretty, although this photo was taken this morning and now there's a lot more green showing. M.N., I'm looking in your direction *hint* *hint*.