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Sunday, July 08, 2007

Fan Art?

Yep, it's been I while since I've posted. You know the drill.

Anyway, I was straightening up my place this weekend when I stumbled on this awesome home-made birthday card I got from the folks at 83 Durant St. Check it, it's awesome. Then shortly after I found the card, I found an empty frame that the card would fit into perfectly. Putting two and two together, I mounted the card in the frame and EUREKA - official This Freezer Rules fan art!

Maybe I should make this into a t-shirt? That'd be sweet! Should I let a little thing like copywrite infringement stop me? Pfft, whatever, I mean, who's even heard of this Dr. Seuss guy anyway?


Blogger KidSmartyPants said...


That's a terrific use of fan art. I'm glad that 83durant contributed it to this Freezer. They rule!

8:24 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Did we tell you that 83 Durant actually does have a freezer? We haven't plugged it in yet, but we're hoping to fill it with the bounty of our garden. Hopefully, one day, our freezer will rule. But not as much as your freezer!

3:05 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

oh, and we're really glad you like the card. The original art is from a 1960's picture dictionary...shouldn't that be out of copyright by now?

3:07 PM


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