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Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Morning After The Morning After

Oh happy day! Mother Nature, you totally delivered, and for that, I say thank you. You completely came through for us (and by "us" I mean "me") and gave us a good 4-6" of snow with plenty of cold cold air to ensure that the snow will stay around in icy, powdery conditions for days to come.

School was canceled yesterday and the skis were in a state of bliss as they've feasted on their first taste of snow in a long time. Had I checked KU's website this morning I would have seen that school had a delayed opening of 9:30, meaning that my morning class had been canceled, and I could have brought my skis into school for a quick trek through the surrounding farmlands before my afternoon classes. Fortunately, with this cold weather, there's always tomorrow.

Here's the latest photo from my office window, taken around 9:45. Pretty, isn't it?


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