Skate of the Art
When I was a kid, my friends and I made hokey skate videos. They're funny to look at these days. But back then, in my mind's eye, this is how they looked: Awesome.
If you like blogs that post totally random articles with absolutely no regularity, then this is the blog for you. Or maybe not.
When I was a kid, my friends and I made hokey skate videos. They're funny to look at these days. But back then, in my mind's eye, this is how they looked: Awesome.
Happy 2008! Man, I'm sorry that I haven't posted in so long. I still owe you some photos from the MS 150. They're coming. In the meantime, I whipped up this goofy little comic based some of the interactions I've had with students (but not necessarily fellow faculty). Enjoy! (And yes, I know it's a blatant artistic rip-off of OOTS - so thanks to Rich Burlew!)