If you like blogs that post totally random articles with absolutely no regularity, then this is the blog for you. Or maybe not.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Round And Round They Go!

How about these apples? Today Reading was the host of the Reading Classic which according to the website is the second leg of the Commerce Bank Triple Crown of Cycling. I'm not sure how big of a deal the Commerce Bank Triple Crown of Cycling is, but regardless it was really cool to see Reading hosting a pretty serious bike race.

I managed to get some pictures and video of the pro's 75 mile race. As someone who likes to get out and ride as much as possible, I was given a healthy dose of humilty watching these cyclist speed by. But it was still really cool to see these athletes competing in a local setting! Check it:

And now some photos:
Here come the cyclists - you can see there are a couple of riders leading the pack, and man are they HAULING:

Here's a close up as the leaders fly by:

And here comes the rest of the pack:

And there they go:

Followed closely by their support crews:

And who says hybrid technology can't look cool:

And lastly, on a side note, since cycling seems to enjoy popularity on an international scale, like soccer or even the Olympics, I can't help but wonder if there is some rule for these "international" sporting events that requires a minimum number of cowbells to be rung by the crowd. Because as you can hear in the video, the crowd at today's bike race sounded like they definitely held up their end of the deal.

Monday, June 04, 2007

And We're Back...

Hey all. It's been a while. Sorry about that. Guess I was busy. Guess I didn't have much to post about either. Well, one of these has been resolved as the spring semester ended mid-May and summer school doesn't start up until the beginning of July, so I don't have much on my plate right now. But that doesn't solve the issue of not having much to post about. So, I'll keep this one brief with some pithy soccer news.

The Nomads finished up the spring season on May 15th, right in the middle of the table. Not too good, but not too bad either. Can't be too upset about that. We lost some good players and plus you just have to expect that you can't finish every season at the top to the table.

So, the summer seasons (yes, that's meant to be plural) have begun. The Nomads continue to play the Tuesday night indoor league, but about half us have joined up with some other "free agent" players to form a second Nomads team that plays in the outdoor league on Wednesday nights (there are two new Summer I links on the right side - one for indoor and one for outdoor). That means twice the sore muscles each week! Whether or not we're indoors or outdoors, you can see from the first week of games, we're not off to the best of starts. And with the teams we're facing this week, we might have to push the hopes of getting our first win back another week. We'll see.

So, that's about it for now. Hopefully I'll post something a lot more interesting in the near future. Yeah, I feel kind of bad not having anything "multi-media" or "creative" or "even remotely entertaining" to post this time...wait...how about this? We cool now? Ah-ight.